29) JVS TSLM 3o/4th WEEK 29 (March 23rd-27th) Activities and homework

Descripción del curso

WEEK 29 (March 23rd-27th)
Proyecto anual: Alebrijes por la paz
Proyecto trimestral: Crecer creando una comunidad armónica
Unir a comunidades de enseñanza aprendizaje a través del arte, de los aprendizajes cotidianos y del uso de la tecnología, para generar una campaña transmedia (que los alumnos co creen historias de aprendizaje con el contenido académico de los programas internacionales) que culmine en instalaciones artísticas creadas por niños de los diferentes países para promover difundir y fortalecer la cultura propia en favor de la paz y la ciudadanía mundial (UNESCO) con el tema “Alebrijes: Símbolos y significados”
A través de la integración de diversas actividades que promuevan el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de competencias en los alumnos de educación básica, los alumnos de varios países y escuelas producirán una campaña transmedia (contando historias multimedia en colectivo) que comuniquen y difundan la cultura propia, generando una cultura colectiva en favor de la paz integrando el arte, el aprendizaje y la tecnología con una serie de instalaciones (esculturas) intervenidas y dirigidas por artistas profesionales.
El proyecto consiste en etapas en las que el arte, la tecnología y la relación extra muros sean el hilo conductor en la producción de los alumnos, y en dónde su aprendizaje, integrando a artistas reconocidos en el medio creativo para lograr una instalación artística.
Al finalizar las etapas de creación, aprendizaje y producción por parte de las comunidades de aprendizaje involucradas, se obtendrán esculturas y obras de arte intervenidas y dirigidas por los artistas las cuales se exhibirán en los colegios y/o en espacios públicos y empresas privadas que se sumen a la causa. Cada obra de arte tendrá su historia (realidad aumentada) con los logotipos e información del colegio y de la propia obra y música que los propios alumnos diseñen para crear experiencias multimedia. Esta obra formará parte de una exposición itinerante y se subastarán. Los fondos obtenidos se destinarán a las causas por la paz de cada región “implantes cocleares”
MONDAY (March 23rd)
    • (10 min) Cooking class
      • Read the recipe (You’ll find the recipe in a Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth post of your grade)
      • Gather all the ingredients and requirements
      • You should have everything ready by Wednesday, March 25
    • (20 min) Treasure Island:
      • Do the socio-emotional skills self-assessment on Monday, March 23.
      • Carefully read the description of the highest level of each skill.
      • Color the box that corresponds to the level with which you identify each social-emotional skill.
      • At the end, locate the 3 skills with the lowest rank that you have detected and write the observable behavior in those 3 skills that you will evaluate during this week.
      • Record the points (play money) in the copy of the Treasure Island command that you pasted in your project notebook.
    • 1. Planeación: Metas y diseño de situaciones de aprendizaje
      • ¿Qué vamos a aprender y bajo qué temática?
        • (15 min) Start of the quarterly project:
          • Read the quarterly project goal
          • Write an explanation in Twitter in your own words about: What do you know about the topics to be covered in this quarterly project?
          • Write on Twitter the answer to: What do you hope to learn in this project?
          • Write on Twitter a phrase for the world to inspire and transmit peace
    • Expresión corporal
      • (25 min) Taller de Preparación Corporal - Ejercicios - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8YFk2kZvDE
      • (5 min) Escribe en twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) tu opinión sobre los ejercicios de expresión corporal de hoy. No olvides escribir tu nombre.
    • 2. Investigación/Indagación
      • Se logra el sustento teórico del aprendizaje y manejo del contenido o temas de los programas en diversas fuentes (Libros de texto, internet, entrevistas, etc.)
        • (50 min) Civic and ethical formation
          • Topic: Organize and resolve conflicts
          • Goal: With learning and practice you can:
            • Solve disagreements about differences of interest and points of view through conciliation and dialogue.
            • Participate in different ways in matters that suit the community
            • The search for emotional well-being will begin and extend to the moment when we respect and tolerate each other in society.
          • Read your FCyE book, SEP, pages 92-97; highlight the main ideas. Don't forget the date on the pages.
          • Make an essay on the blog of the group (http://classfourtheduglogstercom.blogspot.com/) of maximum 4 paragraphs where you explain in your own words what you just read and understand in the text.
          • Share the link of the blog post on the group's facebook (https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth).
          • Don't forget to put your name on all the work you do.
    • Educación física
      • (45 min)¿Cuarentena en casa? Entrena con niños Día 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4bEwDdC3eg
      • (5 min) Escribe en twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) tu autoevaluación de los ejercicios de hoy. No olvides escribir tu nombre.
    • Evaluación:
      Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      Fecha y nombre anotados
      Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)

TUESDAY (March 24th) 
    • 3. Manejo de la información
      • Discriminación de la información, seguridad en internet, desarrollo del pensamiento crítico para obtener información sobre contenido académico de los programas
        • (45 min) My entity from 1920 to the beginning of the 21st century
          • Objective: Continuing with the identification of a necessary common objective of humans, such as peace and tolerance in society, you will know your entity (Mexico City) and the passage of its history.
          • Look and carefully read the timeline on pages 128 and 129 of your "My Entity" SEP book.
          • Try to remember if any of your relatives has told you about the history of the Federal District.
          • Write on twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) what you imagine life in the Federal District (currently Mexico City) was like before you were born. Don't forget to write your name.
          • Take the reading, highlight main ideas, solve the exercises and answer the questions with your book "My Entity" Sep, on page 130-132.
          • All the activities do them in your project notebook (questions and map)
        • (15 min) Reading power Power to Question Lesson 13: Reflective journal
          • Answer the following question on twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) , based on what you read yesterday in your FCyE book and today in your book My Entity
          • How does asking questions while you read help you understand the story better? Show me or tell me about your thinking.
    • Vocabulary and grammar (English)
      • Objective: Much has been said about the complications that traveling the world brings to the current epidemiological emergency situation; But ... What are the grammatical terms in English that refer to the subject of traveling?
        • (45 min) Leaving and arriving
          • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
            • How do you come to school?
            • How many people come by bus/by car/on foot/ by subway?
            • If you want to travel to school or to another place that’s far away, what can you get in or get on to take you there?
            • Which do you think is the most exciting/most boring/slowest/fastest/safest/most dangerous way to travel?
          • Open your Fun for flyers book on pages 52 and 53
            • Complete sentences 1-7, letter A, using other words from the box.
            • There’s another word for “rocket”. Do you know it? It’s made from two words -space and ship. Put it together, and you get a…
            • Letter B: Listen to the sentences about picture 1. How is picture 2 different?
              • Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rl7jZYiLruU
              • Find and circle differences between the pictures.
              • Note: There are 12 differences
            • Letter C: Draw lines between words that mean the same
              • Find the words that mean the same as the bold words in 2-7 and draw lines to the correct letters.
            • Letter D: How did Uncle Oliver get to each place? Listen and write a letter (A-H) in each box.
              • Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xPhEa8AvP4
            • Letter E: Answer Peter’s questions about Uncle Oliver. What does Sophia say? Write 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
              • Listen de audio again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xPhEa8AvP4
    • CIERRE
      • Evaluación:
        • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
        • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
        • Fecha y nombre anotados
        • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
        • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
      • Manta treasure island
        • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
WEDNESDAY (March 25th)
    • (10 min) Mindfulness: El Árbol Encantado - Ejercicio de relajación para niños de 0 a 99 años https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4ODsJ7ryUA
    • (30 min) Eduten https://playground.eduten.com/
    • (10 min) Vocabulary
      • Repeat 3 times, write the definition and illustrate it
        • static electricity
        • magnet
        • pole
        • Nutrition
        • Health
    • 4. Documentación e integración de contenido
      • Manejo del lenguaje escrito y de organizadores gráficos, para transformar la información sobre los temas, en un aprendizaje significativo
        • (40 min) The importance of nutrition and health
          • In blogger (http://classfourtheduglogstercom.blogspot.com/) , write an essay, in which each paragraph answers each of the following questions, in total you’ll have 5 paragraphs:
            • What are the natural products that are produced in the place where they live and to which food group does each one belong in the Well-Eating Dish?
            • What foods from the region and the season can be used to diversify the family diet?
            • What type of food do they consume so much in the At home as at school?
            • Which of them are healthy and nutritious?
            • Which foods harm your health?
            • Share the link of the blog on your group’s facebook (https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth)
    • 5. Deliberación y discusión
      • Se practica en el manejo de opiniones entre pares, para producir textos colaborativos con información sobre los temas de los programas académicos, hacia el logro del proyecto.
      • Desarrollo del lenguaje oral, del pensamiento crítico y de la comunicación asertiva.
        • (30 min) Deliberation and discussion
          • To date, you and your classmates have published various phrases on twitter and blog posts, read the productions of your classmates and, with the school user (NOT OF YOUR DAD'S ACCOUNTS), make the assessment of your posts.
          • Remember the evaluation light (B, D, AV, C, HE).
          • The most important thing is that you write a sentence with observations and recommendations to grow creating together and improving in each of our productions.
          • Comment both on Facebook (blog posts) (https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth) and on Twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th)
    • 6. Realización
      • Creación de textos informativos multimedia donde se incluye la información obtenida de forma colaborativa, promoviendo el trabajo en equipo donde se incluye la “voz” de todos los alumnos.
        • (60 min) Cooking class
          • Read the recipe (You’ll find the recipe in a Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth post of your grade)
          • Gather all the ingredients and requirements
          • Make the recipe
          • Save evidence of the procedure and the result (video and photos)
          • Make a video with your evidence (The objective of the video is that someone can make the recipe with your video)
          • Upload the video to youtube, don't forget to put your name on it.
          • Share the video link on facebook.
          • Enjoy your smoothie.
    • Vocabulary and grammar (English)
      • (45 min) What shall we do next?
        • Answer in your project notebook:
          • What places do you like going to?
          • Do you like visiting museums?
          • What kinds of things do you like finding out about?
        • Open you Fun for flyers book on pages 54 and 55
          • Letter A: Read about Clare and Matt in the museum. You don’t have to answer the questions now so don’t look at those yet.
            • Imagine a picture of Clare and Matt in the museum and answer the questions
            • There isn’t a picture of these children at the museum so you’re going to try and see a picture of Clare and Matt in your head. Make sure learners understand they are going to imagine the picture
            • Answer on your mind the following questions, they’ll help you with the visualization.
          • Letter C: Listen and write ten things to take on a trip
            • A class is going to go to the mountains for three days with their teacher. Guess what the children must take with them on their trip.
              • Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCVXKhM1K-Y&t=4s
          • Letter E: Look at the picture and read the story
            • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
              • What time of day did Mary phone her grandmother?
              • What's Mary going to write about?
              • What’s Mary going to put in one boy’s bed?
              • And what’s she going to put in his trainers?
              • What’s the name of Mary’s friend?
          • Letter F: Write some words to complete the sentences. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words
            • Remember, you can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words to complete the sentences. All the words you need are in the story.
    • (40 min) A city with multifamilies and skyscrapers
      • Objective: The epidemiological emergency situation that we are currently experiencing has a great impact on large cities, but what is a city? With information that you will treat you will be able to understand more the term and its characteristics.
        • Read the information, highlight the main ideas, answer the questions and do the timeline activity in your project notebook, with p. 132-134 of your book "My entity", SEP.
        • Write on twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) why it is important to you that we take care of ourselves in large cities and attend to health measures during the contingency. Don't forget to write your name.
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
THURSDAY (March 26th)
    • (10 min) Mindfulness: Ejercicio de relajación para niños de 0 a 99 años https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgEnn5Bt-40
    • (30 min) Eduten https://playground.eduten.com/
    • (10 min) Vocabulary
      • Repeat 3 times, write the definition and illustrate it
        • attract
        • magnetic field
        • repel
        • electrical charge
        • magnetism
    • Vocabulary and grammar (English)
      • (45 min) Where can we go on holiday?
        • Answer in your project notebook:
          • Write in the middle of your notebook the word “ H O L I D A Y S “
          • Think of a word about holidays that starts with “h” or has an “h” in its spelling
          • Write them down the letter h, then with the letter o, l, i, d, a, y, s.
        • Letter A: Match four of the word circles with pictures
          • Find the three or four words in each one.
          • Draw lines between each word circle and its matching picture
          • Which of these five kinds of holiday might be the most exciting? Why?
        • Letter B: Complete the holiday diary. Write one word in each space.
          • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • Do you write and tell your friends about your day on the internet?
          • Do you write something every day?
          • What do you like best, writing about your day on the internet or in a diary?
          • Read the diary text and the example
          • How long must each answer be?
          • Choose words to fill each of the spaces.
        • Letter C: Read the conversation and choose the best answer (A-H)
          • Read the conversation, look at the example and choose Helen’s answers from A-H
        • Letter E: Listen and colour and write
          • What colour is the tent now?
          • Now listen. You are going to write something and colour more things in this picture.
            • Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSIMOPq0BFE
    • Inspire Science
      • (50 min) Electric and Magnetic Forces
        • Module Overview
          • Objective: In this module, students will ask questions and define problems that are solved to explore how electrical charges and magnets attract and repel objects. Students will engage in specific experiences to answer questions such as: How does electric force affect objects? How can you use a magnet?
          • MODULE OPENER
          • Objective:The module opens by engaging students in the real-world phenomenon of a magnetic gate in a fence to prompt thinking about materials that attract and repel. Students are introduced to Hannah, a welder, and she asks how electric and magnetic forces help a gate stay closed. They also learn that electrical engineers can work on anything related to electricity, magnetism, and electronics.
        • Open your InspireScience Notebook at pages 52-53
        • Log-in to the McGrawHill platform (my.mheducation.com)
          • Inspire Science Investigator
            • Read Inspire Science Investigator magazine articles. This module contains two riveting articles written for approaching and on level students.
              • Medical Magnets investigates how magnets are used in medical technology. Medical researchers are testing different technologies that could use magnets in new ways.
              • Maglev Trains investigates how magnets are used in maglev trains. Some constraints that mechanical engineers face in the design of maglev trains.
          • Science in Our World
            • Phenomenon
              • Look the photo of a fence with a magnetic gate.
              • Think of questions they have about a magnetic gate.
              • Record questions on page 52 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
              • Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
                • Why do you think that the farmer needs to use a magnetic gate in the fence around his garden?
                • Why do you think he would use a magnetic gate instead of a lock on the gate?
                • Do you think that the magnetic gate will stay shut?
          • STEM Career Connection: Electrical Engineer
            • Draw a diagram showing how electricity and magnets might be used to help a gate stay closed on page 53 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
            • Electrical engineer evaluates electrical systems and products. These are things like the lights in your house; an electrical engineer would be able to test why the lights in your house were not working.
            • Study the photo of the magnetic gate and the journal entry of the electrical engineer.
            • Think and talk about how an electrical engineer might have gathered the data in the journal entry.
          • Share your thoughts and ideas on twitter (https://twitter.com/jvsclass4th) .
            • Don’t forget your name.
          • Science and Engineering Practices: I will ask questions and define problems.
            Read the “I will…” statement on page 53 of their Be a Scientist Notebook. The “I will…” statement for this lesson references a Science and Engineering Practice.
          • Data helps scientists and engineers answer questions or determine whether a solution solves a problem. Scientists and engineers use data to understand relationships. Scientists and engineers also need to be able to communicate effectively. This allows new explanations and design solutions to be shared with society and the science and engineering communities.
          • See also Science Handbook pages 6 and 7.
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
FRIDAY (March 27th)
    • (10 min) Mindfulness:
    • (30 min) Eduten https://playground.eduten.com/
    • (10 min) Vocabulary
      • Repeat 3 times, write the definition and illustrate it
        • Scenic space
        • everyday action
        • characters
        • Procenium
        • Theater curtain
    • 7. Storytelling
      • Creación de historias en las que los alumnos plantean los temas, en formato multimedia, de forma creativa y emotiva, con la cual ponen en juego la planeación, el manejo de imagen, texto, voz, sonido y el impacto hacia una audiencia que “aprende a través de lo que ellos producen”, en un escenario global.
        • Collect all the learnings from this week.
        • Create a storyboard to make a summary video about what you learned this week.
        • Remember to use your own words to explain the topics, and give your opinion. As well as inviting people to join the search and research for more information on the subject.
        • Make a video based on your storyboard.
        • The maximum duration is 10 minutes, minimum 5 minutes.
    • 8. Publicación
      • Se comparten las producciones
        • Upload your video to grade YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/JVSsixthgrade)
          Share the video link on the group's facebook (https://www.facebook.com/jvs.fourth)
    • Artistic education
      • (45 min) Stage areas
        • Answer the following questions in your art notebook
          • What is the name of the place where the actors perform a stage act?
          • Is it important that each actor respects his area in the stage space? Why?
          • Do you consider the location of the characters on the stage to be important? Why?
        • Open your artistic education, sep book on pages 19-21
          • Read and highlight the main ideas of the theory on those pages.
          • Do not do the activities "in team" that are described, remember that you already did them with Miss Sofy in body expression class.
        • Make a conceptual map in your art notebook
        • Illustrate it
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)