30) JVS TSLM 3o/4th WEEK 30 (March 30th-April 3rd) Activities and homework

Descripción del curso

WEEK 30 (March 30th-April 3rd)
Proyecto anual: Alebrijes por la paz
Proyecto trimestral: Crecer creando una comunidad armónica
Unir a comunidades de enseñanza aprendizaje a través del arte, de los aprendizajes cotidianos y del uso de la tecnología, para generar una campaña transmedia (que los alumnos creen historias de aprendizaje con el contenido académico de los programas internacionales) que culmine en instalaciones artísticas creadas por niños de los diferentes países para promover difundir y fortalecer la cultura propia en favor de la paz y la ciudadanía mundial (UNESCO) con el tema “Alebrijes: Símbolos y significados”
A través de la integración de diversas actividades que promuevan el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de competencias en los alumnos de educación básica, los alumnos de varios países y escuelas producirán una campaña transmedia (contando historias multimedia en colectivo) que comuniquen y difundan la cultura propia, generando una cultura colectiva en favor de la paz integrando el arte, el aprendizaje y la tecnología con una serie de instalaciones (esculturas) intervenidas y dirigidas por artistas profesionales.
El proyecto consiste en etapas en las que el arte, la tecnología y la relación extra muros sean el hilo conductor en la producción de los alumnos, y en dónde su aprendizaje, integrando a artistas reconocidos en el medio creativo para lograr una instalación artística.
Al finalizar las etapas de creación, aprendizaje y producción por parte de las comunidades de aprendizaje involucradas, se obtendrán esculturas y obras de arte intervenidas y dirigidas por los artistas las cuales se exhibirán en los colegios y/o en espacios públicos y empresas privadas que se sumen a la causa. Cada obra de arte tendrá su historia (realidad aumentada) con los logotipos e información del colegio y de la propia obra y música que los propios alumnos diseñen para crear experiencias multimedia. Esta obra formará parte de una exposición itinerante y se subastarán. Los fondos obtenidos se destinarán a las causas por la paz de cada región “implantes cocleares”
MONDAY (March 3oth)
    • Actividad 1:
    • KiVa Lesson 8 I will not be bullied!
      • Let's play the KiVa game: Level I - Level IV (http://data.kivakoulu.fi/game1/en/login.html)
        • School ID: julesverneschool
          Student password: 28r2d6
    • Actividad 2:
      • Answer the following questions on twitter, with your ideas. One reply per tweet:
        • Explain in your own words what Democracy means
        • What is the difference between "keeping quiet" and being tolerant?
    • Actividad 3:
      • Democracy and tolerance
        • From your opening responses (the ones you just posted on twitter), carefully read the three texts ("Reading and Democracy, On Tolerance, Civil Protection Offices") on pages 98 and 99 of your FCyE book , SEP.
        • Remember to write the short date on the pages of the books you work
        • Highlight main ideas
    • Actividad 4:
    • Actividad 5:
    • Expresión corporal (Miss Sofy Amezcua)
      • 1.- Realiza 3 respiraciones profundas antes de comenzar cualquier movimiento
      • 2.- Prepara tu cuerpo, estirando levemente las articulaciones y mentalizándote en que vas a moverte.
      • 3.- Haz calentamiento (recuerda los movimientos de clase para lograrlo) https://youtu.be/2vjPBrBU-™  
      • 4.- Comienzan los estiramientos piernas y brazos combinados con equilibrio. (Recuerda los pasos de clase) https://youtu.be/jn40gqhxoSY
      • 5.- Practica el paso abrir, cerrar, recuerda iniciar desde tu centro, es decir con los pies juntos y se abre la derecha se regresa al centro y después se abre la izquierda (repite varias veces) https://youtu.be/LyxFt9ecT28  
      • 6. -Practica “el paso de caja abierta” .El pie derecho abre en una diagonal derecha, el izquierdo hace lo mismo (quedando abiertas ambas piernas) se cierra derecha y luego izquierda hasta llegar a nuestro centro (ambas piernas cerradas) repetir varias veces a tiempo musical y si puedes agregar una coordinación de brazos sencilla.
      • 7.- Inventa tres movimientos y crea combinaciones de movimiento contando 8 tiempos cada movimiento.
      • 8.- Combina los movimientos. Escoge una canción que te guste y realiza una coreografía sencilla que puedas subir al YouTube de tu grupo para poder evaluarte. Es importante que no te grabes la cara o utilices un antifaz.
    • Evaluación:
      Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      Fecha y nombre anotados
      Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
TUESDAY (March 31st) 
    • Mindfulness: YOGIC / Yoga para Niños - Cápsula "El cuento de las mariposas" - Juegos y canciones infantiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI1S5rM0ou0 
    • (30 min) Eduten https://playground.eduten.com/
      • Vocabulary
        • Repeat 3 times, write the definition and illustrate it
          • Home page
          • Website
          • Information
          • Dog sledge
          • Planning
    • Actividad 1:
    • Fun for flyers, p. 58 and 59: It’s the holidays! Bye!
      • A) Make a story with the seven pictures
        • Answer the following question on your project notebook:
          • What you can see in each of the seven pictures?
          • Where do you find caves?
          • What do pirates do in caves?
          • When do people go sailing?
        • The boy and the two girls are cousins. Choose names for them:
          • Write a story using the pictures in any order. You might find this easier if you include some conversation between the pirate and the children.
          • When you finish the story, make a video with it and publish it in youtube. The share the link of youtube in facebook.
      • B) Read the story. Choose a word from the box.
        • Write the correct word next to the numbers 1-5.
        • Answer the following questions on your project notebook:
          • Did Jim go to a city for this holiday?
          • Who went there with him?
          • How did they get to the island?
          • Where did they eat?
          • Who came to find the children?
          • Is “beach” a verd, like “write”; or a noun like “table”?
          • Which other words in the box are nouns?
          • Which words are verbs?
          • Which words are adjectives?
        • Now choose the best bane for the story. Tick one box.
      • C)Listen! What’s Lily going to do today? Tick the boxes (Click this link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NT3Zr7JDjw )
      • D) Decide what you are going to do tomorrow!
        • Complete the sentences.
        • You can use your dictionary to help you if necessary.
    • Actividad 2:
    • Investigación/Indagación: Se logra el sustento teórico del aprendizaje y manejo del contenido o temas de los programas en diversas fuentes (Libros de texto, internet, entrevistas, etc.)
      • Research what a storyteller is.
      • Write, in your own words, what a storyteller is on twitter.
      • Do not forget to sign with your name without surnames.
    • Manejo de la información: Discriminación de la información, seguridad en internet, desarrollo del pensamiento crítico para obtener información sobre contenido académico de los programas
      • Be a storyteller
      • Enter scholastic ( http://www.scholasticlearningzone.com ), remember that your password is pasted on the password sheet in your math notebook.
      • Choose one of the following books, they are assigned in scholastic and read it independently.
        • “The Elves and the Shoemaker” By: Nancy Leber
        • “Catching Fireflies” By: Shannon Penney
        • “The Ten Suns” By: Lih Ing Goh
      • After reading it individually, record your voice by reading the story out loud in a video. You can do it as a puppet function or just with images. Your voice must be heard reading aloud.
      • Upload the video to youtube, remember to put the title of the book and the name of the author.
      • Share the link of the youtube video on facebook.
      • This reading aloud can be useful to send it to preschool students and listen to you tell them a story.
      • If you want, you can record the 3 stories.
    • Actividad 3:
    • Expresión corporal (Miss Sofy Amezcua)
      • 1. Ve una película infantil
      • 2.- Elige un personaje
      • 3.- Investiga cómo se hace un guion literario https://youtu.be/MCH7StNflXM (y escribe una cuartilla o una escena corta, con los diálogos del personaje que elegiste)
      • 4.- Estudia los movimientos del personaje, su voz, su actitud y su actuación.
      • 5.- Disfrázate del personaje que elegiste
      • 6.- Apréndete los diálogos que escribiste en tu guión, puedes pedir ayuda a algún adulto para que te ayude hacer la escena.
      • 7.- Represéntalo, graba tu escena (1-2 minutos) y compártelo en YouTube de tu grupo.
      • Trata de que tu rostro no se vea, puedes usar máscaras o antifaces
      • Lo que se va a evaluar es: Dicción clara, volumen. Postura escénica, autocontrol y expresión corporal. 
    • CIERRE
      • Evaluación:
        • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
        • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
        • Fecha y nombre anotados
        • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
        • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
      • Manta treasure island
        • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
WEDNESDAY (April 1st)
    • Actividad 1:
    • Fun for flyers, p. 88 and 89: Holiday news
      • A) What has Mary already donde? Tick the boxes.
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • What have you already done today?
          • Have you had breakfast/lunch/dinner?
          • Have you spoken to your friends?
          • Have you phoned anyone yet?
        • Look the pictures in A, Mary is phoning her father to tell him about her school trip.
        • Answer the following question in your project notebook:
        • NOTE: All these verbs are irregular. The is a complete list of the Flyers irregular verbs on pages 142 and 143 of the Student’s Book.
      • B) Read the email that Mary is going to send to her family
        • Read Mary’s message
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • Has Mary seen the pyramids yet?
          • Has Mary stayed in a hotel yet?
          • Has Mary already swum in a pool?
          • Has Mary already arrived back at the airport?
        • Copy and complete these sentences in your project notebook. Find your answers in Mary’s message.
          • She hasn’t emailed……….yet.
          • Mary hasn’t visited………..yet. She’s going there today.
          • Mary and her friends have already swum…………….
          • Mary will see her parents again at about………..on Saturday.
      • C) Look at Mary’s photo.
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • Mary’s in the desert. Have you ever been to a desert?
          • (If yes) What did you see/do there?
          • (If no) Would you like to visit a desert? What would you see/do there?
          • Look at the picture. What are the people doing? What are the people wearing?
          • Listen and draw lines. Click the link to listen the audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGQaSjjjK1M  
      • D) Look at Mary’s other photo. What differences can you see?
        • This is the other photo that Mary sent to her family. It’s nearly the same as the first photo in C but some things are different. Can you see the differences?
        • Circle the differences in the D photo.
      • E) Read the postcard and write the missing words
        • Look at the text quickly
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • What kind of text is it?
          • Who wrote it?
          • Who’s she writing to?
        • Read the text
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • What places has Mary been to?
          • What did she see at the museum?
          • What language did the actors speak?
          • Where’s the restaurant?
        • Read the text and complete the gaps
    • Actividad 2:
    • La entidad donde vivo. CDMX, Transportes, p. 135-138
      • Escribe la fecha corte en las páginas que leerás hoy (135-138)
      • Lee con atención el tema de “Transportes” (135 a 137)
      • Subraya las ideas principales del texto, recuerda que las ideas principales son aquellos datos y frases que te serán útiles para la vida hoy y siempre.
      • Para conocer los problemas de contaminación del aire de la Ciudad de México, con la ayuda de un adulto, visita la página electrónica https://www.sedema.cdmx.gob.mx/
      • Entra en el vínculo que dice “Niñas y niños”. Ahí conocerás a Teporingo, quien te enseñará qué es un Imeca(Índice Metropolitano de Calidad del Aire) y te indicará qué debes dejar de hacer cuando la calidad del aire sea mala.
      • Después ve a la sección de juegos y continúa aprendiendo sobre el tema, jugando “Ozono” y “Verificación”
      • Lee con atención el tema de “Vida cotidiana” (137-138)
      • Subraya las ideas principales del texto, recuerda que las ideas principales son aquellos datos y frases que te serán útiles para la vida hoy y siempre.
      • Elabora la actividad “Para avanzar” con las siguientes instrucciones:
        • Tus abuelos, tus papás y tú son testigos de los cambios que ha sufrido la ciudad y de cómo éstos afectan la vida cotidiana.
        • Anota en tu cuaderno de proyectos la década en que tus abuelos tenían tu edad y la década en la que tus padres tenían tu edad. Responde en tu cuaderno de proyectos ¿Cuántos años existen de diferencia entre ambas décadas?
        • Entrevista a tus abuelos y a tus papás (o a algunas personas mayores del lugar donde vives) y pídeles que te mencionen cinco objetos que utilizaban cuando eran jóvenes y que ya no usen. Escribe una lista con las respuestas que te den en tu cuaderno de proyectos.
        • Compara los diferentes objetos que te mencionaron las personas que entrevistaste y responde las siguientes preguntas en tu cuaderno de proyectos:
          • ¿Cuáles objetos son los mismos en todas las personas?
          • ¿Para qué se usaban?
          • ¿Por cuáles objetos se sustituyeron a través del tiempo?
          • ¿Cómo crees que han modificado la vida diaria de las personas?
        • Discute con tu familia acerca de los objetos que consideren que más han colaborado con los cambios en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes del Distrito Federal, ahora Ciudad de México.
        • Elabora un video en el cual expongas tu opinión y conclusión sobre lo que acabas de leer, la entrevista y los objetos. Recuerda que una opinión no se conforma por frases como “Estuvo bien/mal”, se conforma por la explicación del proceso que llevaste a cabo para la elaboración de la actividad y las cosas con las que conectaste, las preguntas que pudiste hacer y los datos nuevos que obtuviste para tu vida.
        • Sube el video a youtube y comparte el link del video de youtube en el facebook.
        • Recuerda que es muy importante que primero lo subas a youtube y después compartir el link en el facebook del grupo.
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
THURSDAY (April 2nd)
    • Actividad 1:
    • Inspire Science, Electric and Magnetic Forces: Lesson 1: Electricity, p. 54-69
      • Objective: You will investigate the effects of static electricity.
        • Page Keeley Science Probe
          • Salma’s Hair (p. 54)
        • Science in Our World (p. 55)
          • Phenomenon: Science often begins when someone makes an observation about a situation or occurrence.
          • Look at the photo of the balloon and the girl's hair, what questions you have about the girl and the balloon, record them on page 55 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
          • Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
            • What did you see in the photo?
            • What did you notice about the girl?
            • What did you wonder about what you saw in the photo?
            • What interests you about the girl and the balloon?
        • STEM Career Connection. Electronics Technician (p. 55-56)
          • Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
            • Why would the career connection be an electronics technician?
            • What do you think electronics technicians learn before doing their jobs?
          • NOTE: An electronics technician helped build the electronics you have at home, such as a television, computer, or smartphone. Technicians also help test the products to make sure they work before they’re sold, and fix them if they break.
          • Read the STEM Career Connection on page 55 in the Be a Scientist Notebook to learn more about what an electronics technician does.
          • Answer the questions about the electronics technician on page 56 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
        • Essential Question: How does electric force affect objects? (p. 56)
          • Read the Essential Question on page 56 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
          • Try to answer it in your Be a Scientist Notebook.
          • Copy and aswer the following question in your Be a Scientist Notebook:
            • What questions can you ask about electrical charge on a balloon?
        • Review and read “Science and engineering practices” pages 6–7 in the Science Handbook.
        • Inquiry Activity: Charged or Uncharged Balloons (p. 57-58)
          • If you have the materials at home, make the experiment on pages 57 and 58.
            • Record the whole process and then make a video where, in English, you explain the experiment. Upload the video on youtube and share the link on facebook.
        • Obtain and Communicate Information (p. 59-64)
          • Vocabulary
            • Open to page 59 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
            • Read the vocabulary words listed aloud.
            • Circle vocabulary words that you have heard before.
        • Static Electricity
          • Watch the video Static Electricity. The video will show some common causes and effects of static electricity. Use the vocabulary words to describe the video.
          • Complete the question about the video on page 59 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
        • Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect
          • NOTE: Events have causes but that it’s not always easy to understand what those causes are. Scientists often look for causes to events and use this knowledge to predict future events.
          • Answer the questions.
        • Electrical Energy
          • Read pages 254–255 in the Science Handbook. You will learn about electrical charge and static electricity. You will learn that electrical charge causes electricity, that there are positive and negative charges, and that static electricity is caused by the buildup of electrical charge.
          • Look at the diagram on page 255 in the Science Handbook. This shows what happens when a balloon is rubbed on a sweater.
          • Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
            • What happened to the charges in the balloon and sweater when they were rubbed together?
            • What’s making the balloon stay on the wall?
            • Complete the questions about the reading on pages 59 and 60 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
        • Positive and Negative Charges
          • Explore the Digital Interactive Positive and Negative Charges on static electricity.
            • NOTE: This interactive shows the science behind the phenomenon shown in this lesson. Read the text. Both the balloon and the wool cloth started with balanced, or neutral, charges. When the wool was rubbed on the balloon, negatively charged particles move from the wool to the balloon. This produced a negative charge on the balloon.
          • Answer the following questions in your science notebook:
            • What happens when wool is rubbed on the balloon?
            • What is the effect of the unbalanced charge on the balloon?
          • Complete the questions on Positive and Negative Charges on pages 60 and 61 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
        • Does Distance Make a Difference?
          • Investigate creating static electricity charges on a balloon with different materials by conducting the simulation.
          • Answer the questions after you have finished.
        • Don't make the page: Notebook Foldables (p. 62)
        • Inquiry Activity: Eliminate Static Electricity (p.63-64)
          • If you have the materials at home, carry out the experiment on page 63-64.
          • Record the whole process and then make a video where, in English, you explain the experiment. Upload the video on youtube and share the link on facebook.
        • Research, Investigate, and Communicate (p. 65-66)
        • Electricity in Nature
          • Read the Electricity in Nature Science File to learn how electricity appears in nature.
          • NOTE: Electricity can be huge static electricity discharges in lightning bolts. It can be tiny unbalanced charges in a gecko’s toes, or in the nerve cells of our brains.
          • NOTE: Electricity can occur naturally, and that it is also produced by humans to power our lights, computers, and many other electricity-powered machines and devices.
          • Look at the lightning bolt in the Science File. This picture shows a discharge of static electricity, moving from the clouds to the ground.
          • Complete the questions about the Science File on page 65 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
        • Don't make the Inquiry Activity: Make Lightning (p. 65-66), neither the Performance Task: Teach Static Electricity (p. 67-68)
        • Essential Question: How does electric force affect objects? (p. 69)
          • Return to the answer you wrote to this question on page 56 in the Be a Scientist Notebook and see whether and how your thinking has changed.
            Share your answers in Twitter.
          • Answer the Essential Question on page 69 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
            Science and Engineering Practices: I did ask questions and define problems… (p. 69)
          • Return to the “I will…” and “I can…” statements on pages 53 and 56 in the Be a Scientist Notebook
          • Have you asked any questions? If so, what are they?
          • Record the “I did…” statement on page 69 in the Be a Scientist Notebook.
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)
FRIDAY (April 3rd)
    • ACTIVIDAD 1:
    • Fun for flyers: Talking about the time (p. 94-95)
      • A)Look at the boxes, read the sentences and write or colour
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • How many months are there in a year?
        • If you see: “Jan” or “Feb”, What are the missing letters?
        • It’s difficult for some people to spell these words because they can’t hear some of the letters.
        • January, February.
        • What letters don’t you hear?
        • Look at the first sentence under the calendar. Write the missing months.
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • Which is the first month?
          • Which is the third month?
          • Which is the eighth month?
        • Read sentences 2-8 and follow the instructions, add answers.
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • Which month is your birthday in? What day of that month is it?
          • Which is your favourite month?
          • What do you like doing in your favourite month?
      • B) Listen and tick the box
        • Revise time prepositions (“in”, “on” and “at”)
        • Copy the next information for prepositions in your project notebook, make it on a conceptual map:
          • in (months, seasons, years) For example: in July, in the autumn, in 2020.
            on (parts of days) For example: on Wednesday morning.
            at (specific times) For example: at six o’clock, at Christmas.
        • Look the picture in the pictures in 5. This is Richard. What does he do? Is he a businessman? Is he a doctor? Is he a student?
        • Play the audio with this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx5MJKdg8S8 
      • C) Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.
        • Answer the following questions in your project notebook:
          • What time is it?
          • What time is it in London?
          • Is it the same time as here?
          • What do we call a year which has 366 days?
          • Why do some countries change the time twice a year?
          • When do the clocks change?
        • Read the text and find the answers
        • Read the text, find the correct answers 1-10 and write them on the lines.
        • Let’s talk about your important times and dates
        • Write in your project notebook four important dates in your life. Do not write why these dates are important. For example: 5 December.
        • NOTE: Do not need to add “st”, “nd”, “th” to numbers in dates as this is considered a little old fashioned, but you should understand the convention if you see it in written texts.
        • Think about your days. Write down four times when you do things. For example 8 o’clock.
        • Answer the following questions: Why is your dates important? What do you do at those times?
      • Don’t make the letter D) Do the train timetable quiz!
    • ACTIVIDAD 2:
    • ACTIVIDAD 3:
    • Art project
      • Materials:
        • -School clay (No playdough)
        • -An image of the mythological creature you choose.
        • -Your hands
        • -Your imagination
      • Process:
        • -Choose one of the following creatures to craft. You can search images on the internet about all of them and thus decide which one you are going to mold in school clay.
          • -Cyclops (Greece)
          • -Ganesh (India)
          • -Qilin (Chinese pegasus)
          • -Rhiannon (Celtic goddess)
          • -Anubis (Egyptian God)
        • Watch the following video to learn the sculpting technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jobxZyZWTMU 
        • Create a sculpture with an image you have chosen of the mythological creature you have chosen.
        • Remember to save your process and then upload it to YouTube. Don't forget to first upload it to youtube and then put the link on facebook.
    • Evaluación:
      • Bibliografía escrita con formato APA
      • Nivel de trabajo en los cuadernos
      • Fecha y nombre anotados
      • Títulos subrayados con rojo y usando regla
      • Ortografía (uso de mayúsculas, acentos, etc.)
    • Manta treasure island
      • Registra los puntos (2 por conducta observable realizada)